synX – Made in Germany, used in Taiwan
“I’m Max and I run a motor shop in Taiwan.
I’m looking for a machine to sync the throttle and found x-log Elektronik.
It seems like synX der Synchrontestester is a good choice. Would you provide service for my country, Taiwan?
I believe in German products and wonder if a first synX could inspire our businesses …”
This email we received in spring 2019. In the meantime Max’ request has turned into digital friendship. And not only that: Max is now our esteemed synX partner for Taiwan. synX is fully used in his workshop and also available through his store. And if a synX service is due, Max does it himself within 20 minutes …
But now, read his story …
I started to love this feelings of riding
As a motorcycle enthusiast I rode my scooter to many places in Taiwan when I was a student. Then in 2002, Taiwan joined the WTO and big bikes above 250 cc were allowed to be imported. But taxes were high back then, so not many people could afford a motorcycle. Well, 15 years on, taxes are much lower and young guys love to ride fast, especially since MotoGP is on TV…
Riding in Taiwan could be special. I believe riders with experience and those who love adventures would have much fun riding in Taiwan.
Born in 1977 in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, I attended the university in 1996, major in Computer Science and Information Engineering. I thought „computer“ is fun, but when I left my home to go in another city, I started to love this feelings of riding. So my scooter and I visited almost every city in Taiwan. After my military service I completed the driving license by training on big bikes and found it so important to have correct concepts of safety riding. So I visited that safety driving/riding center, interviewed, passed their test and was trained as a instructor. I really did a lots of trainings and had a great time there. Then another company, a dealer of Kawasaki, asked me to join them to promote safety riding.
But – beside riding – I think the mainteance of big bikes is important as well. So I took part at trainings of „Kawasaki Heavy Industrial“ in Japan to learn correct concepts of mainteance and tuning. 2008 I resigned and moved back to my hometown Kaohsiung City to start my own business: The Big Machine Workshop.
First I promoted my workshop on internet via a blog on yahoo (now http://bmws09.blogspot.tw/). Frequently updates brought me many customers from everywhere in Taiwan. They pushed me to move to another place to enlarge my business. It was always running busy. 2011, the first international circuit was set in Taiwan, 2015 with many resources of vendors, we start to join Taiwan Speed Festival `s 600cc. My racer was 100kg then. I start body training, lost weight and joined the California Superbike School. We finally won the championship in 2018. To enrich the power of my racingbike, 2015, I became a dealer of Bazzaz Fuel Management (USA) . Then, 2018, I went to an online school of racing in Spain (https://monlau-motorsport.com/). 2019 two big events occurred. First, I joined KTM Taiwan to become a dealer and sell bikes, second, I found synX.
About my „Big Machine“ workshop and how I found synX
My “Big Machine” workshop began in 2009. To be a professional motorcycle work shop, we need all kinds of tool. Not only stock but also special tools – we always have a need yearly. We can not live without tools.
Over 80% of our cases` engine are not single cylinder, so a tester of synchronization is very very important. Someday we watched a videos on internet of BMW`s Motorrad and find them using synX. I was surprised at inspiration and evolution of synchronization tester: compact and convenient look, more functions and modes, especially can analyze the difference of cylinders! By far the best solution in throttle synchronization! After I got synX and just like the synX-“how to“ video, we could tune motorcycles more effective. We have connection to many motor shops in Taiwan, so I hope, we could promote synX and do some evolution in tunning. Good tool worthy!
Now we’re all suffering from Covid-19 and even alpha, delta… ect, but I hope everyone on earth could stay healthy and lead their lifes as usual. Then we could meet and ride together. And perhaps someday I can visit your company.

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